Messages de sympathie pour Shirley (LAROCQUE) LEBLANC
Cathy Buck
14 décembre 2013
Dear Aunt Stella and Bob:
I am so sorry for your loss. A beautiful lady gone far too soon. I'm thinking of you. All I can say to offer any words of strength is that Shirley is with some good people in heaven. She will be well looked after. Big hugs.
Cathy Buck (Helen and Sydney Gordon's daughter)
Sharon, Wayne, and Wendy - I am so sorry for the loss of your sister. I was telling a story a couple of months ago about how when we were kids, we would get bags of clothes from our cousins; how excited we were to go through these clothes and try them on. We felt like a million bucks going to school in our "new" clothes. Memories are wonderful things that can never be taken away. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Big hugs from New Brunswick.
Christine Gordon
15 décembre 2013
Aunt Stella, Sharon, Wendy, Wayne and families,
My deepest sympathies to you all. It's never easy to lose someone we love but know that Shirley is now at peace. My thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless.
Love and Hugs,
Christine (Teeny) Gordon
Chuck and Terri Arcand
15 décembre 2013
Our heartfelt condolences to the entire family at the loss of such a remarkable human being. Please know, all of you are in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time. Our sadness for your loss is profound.
May God bless all of you.
Much love,
Chuck and Terri
Tom and Martha Baker
15 décembre 2013
Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. May you be comforted by the outpouring of love and support.
Martha and Tom
diane et jacques
15 décembre 2013
La perte d'une personne aimée provoquent une douleur que les mots ne peuvent exprimés. Dieu merci, avec le temps, les souvenirs d'heureux moments apportent un certain réconfort.
À toi Bob et à toute ta famille, du plus profond de nos cœurs nos très sincères condoléances. Que la vie vous enveloppe de plein d'amour pour traverser cette difficile épreuve.
Diane et Jacques
Brenda Gordon
16 décembre 2013
Dear Leblanc-Larocque Families,
My heartfelt condolences to you all. This is a very difficult time. There will be many tears but hopefully laughter as well as you share memories. Remember to cry and laugh together, be there for each other. Shirley's smile tells me she loved to have fun and I imagine there was quite a celebration when she joined the company of family and friends in Heaven. I know someone was playing the piano and Uncle Chuck and Morris were leading the singers.A special hug for you Aunt Stella.Take care of each other.You will be in my thoughts and prayers in the days ahead. Love to you all,
Serge Ledoux et Pauline Fredette-Ledoux
16 décembre 2013
A toute la famille de Shirley, Serge et moi ainsi que les enfants offront nos sincères condoléances. Nous serons avec vous par la pensée.
Serge et Pauline
Carrie Hodd
16 décembre 2013
Dear Aunt Stella & Family,
My deepest sympathy to all of you. Although I did not know my cousin Shirley well, being toward the younger end of the Larocque cousins, I can tell from the beautiful picture of her that she had your joy and enthusiasm Aunt Stella. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I send you all a long distance hug from Moncton.
Carrie (Gordon) Hodd
Diane Régimbald
17 décembre 2013
Bonjour Sharron & family,
I am very sorry for your lost. You are in my thoughts and prayers. My deepest sympathy to all of you.
From the Régimbald's family
Marie-France Dupont
17 décembre 2013
Angie, Bob et Steve, il n'y a pas de mot pour tenter d'apaiser la perte d'un être aussi cher. Je vous souhaite beaucoup d'amour et de courage pour traverser cette difficile épreuve. Votre ange Shirley veillera maintenant sur vous et laissez vous bercer par tous les beaux souvenirs passé en sa compagnie.
Mes sincères condoléances à vous ainsi qu'à vos familles.
Messages de sympathie pour Shirley (LAROCQUE) LEBLANC
Cathy Buck
14 décembre 2013Dear Aunt Stella and Bob:
I am so sorry for your loss. A beautiful lady gone far too soon. I'm thinking of you. All I can say to offer any words of strength is that Shirley is with some good people in heaven. She will be well looked after. Big hugs.
Cathy Buck (Helen and Sydney Gordon's daughter)
Sharon, Wayne, and Wendy - I am so sorry for the loss of your sister. I was telling a story a couple of months ago about how when we were kids, we would get bags of clothes from our cousins; how excited we were to go through these clothes and try them on. We felt like a million bucks going to school in our "new" clothes. Memories are wonderful things that can never be taken away. You will be in my thoughts and prayers. Big hugs from New Brunswick.
Christine Gordon
15 décembre 2013Aunt Stella, Sharon, Wendy, Wayne and families,
My deepest sympathies to you all. It's never easy to lose someone we love but know that Shirley is now at peace. My thoughts and prayers are with you. God Bless.
Love and Hugs,
Christine (Teeny) Gordon
Chuck and Terri Arcand
15 décembre 2013Our heartfelt condolences to the entire family at the loss of such a remarkable human being. Please know, all of you are in our thoughts and prayers at this very difficult time. Our sadness for your loss is profound.
May God bless all of you.
Much love,
Chuck and Terri
Tom and Martha Baker
15 décembre 2013Our thoughts are with you and your family during this difficult time. May you be comforted by the outpouring of love and support.
Martha and Tom
diane et jacques
15 décembre 2013La perte d'une personne aimée provoquent une douleur que les mots ne peuvent exprimés. Dieu merci, avec le temps, les souvenirs d'heureux moments apportent un certain réconfort.
À toi Bob et à toute ta famille, du plus profond de nos cœurs nos très sincères condoléances. Que la vie vous enveloppe de plein d'amour pour traverser cette difficile épreuve.
Diane et Jacques
Brenda Gordon
16 décembre 2013Dear Leblanc-Larocque Families,
My heartfelt condolences to you all. This is a very difficult time. There will be many tears but hopefully laughter as well as you share memories. Remember to cry and laugh together, be there for each other. Shirley's smile tells me she loved to have fun and I imagine there was quite a celebration when she joined the company of family and friends in Heaven. I know someone was playing the piano and Uncle Chuck and Morris were leading the singers.A special hug for you Aunt Stella.Take care of each other.You will be in my thoughts and prayers in the days ahead. Love to you all,
Serge Ledoux et Pauline Fredette-Ledoux
16 décembre 2013A toute la famille de Shirley, Serge et moi ainsi que les enfants offront nos sincères condoléances. Nous serons avec vous par la pensée.
Serge et Pauline
Carrie Hodd
16 décembre 2013Dear Aunt Stella & Family,
My deepest sympathy to all of you. Although I did not know my cousin Shirley well, being toward the younger end of the Larocque cousins, I can tell from the beautiful picture of her that she had your joy and enthusiasm Aunt Stella. You are in my thoughts and prayers and I send you all a long distance hug from Moncton.
Carrie (Gordon) Hodd
Diane Régimbald
17 décembre 2013Bonjour Sharron & family,
I am very sorry for your lost. You are in my thoughts and prayers. My deepest sympathy to all of you.
From the Régimbald's family
Marie-France Dupont
17 décembre 2013Angie, Bob et Steve, il n'y a pas de mot pour tenter d'apaiser la perte d'un être aussi cher. Je vous souhaite beaucoup d'amour et de courage pour traverser cette difficile épreuve. Votre ange Shirley veillera maintenant sur vous et laissez vous bercer par tous les beaux souvenirs passé en sa compagnie.
Mes sincères condoléances à vous ainsi qu'à vos familles.
Marie-France Dupont et sa famille.