Hey!I was so hoping that your exceirenpe at FF would supersede your hopes and expectations.LOVE the pencil skirt and belted sweater and yes you do need to add more pink to your wardrobe -- wish your feet were smaller, I have killer pink and deep raspberry snake ankle boots that would be perfect with that blazer!Was thinking of you last night as I took out more of the Patty Collection for "A" to peruse for a formal event approaching and... spank me, forgot to show you the black vintage velvet/sheer bodice evening dress (sorry, next time).Can't wait to see even more pic's and your fashion show outfit(s).COOOLLLDDDDD here! Was thinking about you walking around Ptown and hoping that you were toasty.Funny, I just rec'd a referral today for a new patient/client from... Ptown! Will be meeting with them next Wednesday.Enjoy yourself my friend. Talk with you soon.Love,p
Messages de sympathie pour Mariette BERNARD
5 décembre 2014Hey!I was so hoping that your exceirenpe at FF would supersede your hopes and expectations.LOVE the pencil skirt and belted sweater and yes you do need to add more pink to your wardrobe -- wish your feet were smaller, I have killer pink and deep raspberry snake ankle boots that would be perfect with that blazer!Was thinking of you last night as I took out more of the Patty Collection for "A" to peruse for a formal event approaching and... spank me, forgot to show you the black vintage velvet/sheer bodice evening dress (sorry, next time).Can't wait to see even more pic's and your fashion show outfit(s).COOOLLLDDDDD here! Was thinking about you walking around Ptown and hoping that you were toasty.Funny, I just rec'd a referral today for a new patient/client from... Ptown! Will be meeting with them next Wednesday.Enjoy yourself my friend. Talk with you soon.Love,p