a toi Marcel et Raymonde ainsi que toute ta famille nos sinceres condoleances.
5 janvier 2014
we are all such lovers of lreaning and I can see that you have great determination. I've done that signing up for too much and then sort of flopping on it all. Now I just poke along at my own little snail's pace and absorb [marinate, actually] in wonderfuLL posts like yours which remind me that I am enough just as I am and there is nowhere I need hurry off to...loved the cactus, although I really don't love cactus after my years in Arizona. they give me little shivers, yet your capture and digital fiddling make them much more appealing to my eyes!!
Messages de sympathie pour André BEAUREGARD
raymond et francine meunier
10 septembre 2011a toi Marcel et Raymonde ainsi que toute ta famille nos sinceres condoleances.
5 janvier 2014we are all such lovers of lreaning and I can see that you have great determination. I've done that signing up for too much and then sort of flopping on it all. Now I just poke along at my own little snail's pace and absorb [marinate, actually] in wonderfuLL posts like yours which remind me that I am enough just as I am and there is nowhere I need hurry off to...loved the cactus, although I really don't love cactus after my years in Arizona. they give me little shivers, yet your capture and digital fiddling make them much more appealing to my eyes!!